So part of the inspiration for the new look here on my Craft Blog, was the fact that I recently had the opportunity to redo one room in our house - my "office". My craft table and supplies were spread out in our dining room, and two desks and a computer were what qualified our smallest extra room as an "office". I've got some before an after pictures
(more pics after the break) - though I don't think they really do a good job of telling the story
(either the before OR the after - lol!).
Before |
The room did really feel very small and dreary - but a few coats of paint, re-purposing some curtains I had packed away for a couple years collecting dust and some very lucky finds on Craig's List - and suddenly I had a whole new room!
(Oh, and a very generous early Christmas Gift from a family member of brand new carpeting which really made the room feel finished and cozy!)
After |
I actually hated spending time in the room prior to the redecorating - and now you can't get me out of it! :P But what I think is even more amazing, is that the room now has both the "office-y" stuff that was originally in it and most of my craft supplies that I had in the dining room. And rather than feeling even smaller and more cramped, the room feels much more wide open and homey! Granted, I probably won't win any decorating awards - but I love it! And I'm pretty much the only one who spends any time in it for the most part. :P Plus we were able to do it for a pretty reasonable budget
(the gift of carpeting not included of course). I'll share the story of my misadventures with painting laminate furniture some other time... I still have some work to do hanging pictures and adding more finishing touches (wall shelves, etc.) - but I figure I'll add those bits a little at a time over the winter.
Here's a couple more pics of what it originally looked like (bleh!) -
More Before |
And Still more before | |
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And now here's some more pictures after the redo - Yay! -
After the Redo |
More after the redo |
And one more after |
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